Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Breaking News Alert: Photobucket Shamed Into Submission

Well, my little tirade last night must have worked because, today, Photobucket has retreated from my blog. They did, however, leave behind a little GO button near the top that I've yet to figure out. So feel free to treat it like your own little genie with commands such as:

Fit back in to my prom dress GO

Erradicate the mice that chewed a hole in my patio furniture GO

Turn the clock back to August 2001 and cash out all my investments GO

Or better yet, turn back the clock to 1941 and invent velcro GO

You get the picture. But if you wind up in some parallel universe don't come crying to me.


  1. Can I get a "Eliminate Jason Sehorn and take his place as Angie Harmon's husband" Go button?


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